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Malakai Lelieveld

From Little Things Big Things Grow

The difference between large scale vs small business in web development.

As a freelance web developer, I give merit to the larger web development businesses. In saying that, it is a common occurrence that I get feedback from people looking to grow their business that they are unable to afford the minimum start-up cost of $2000 - $5000 to have a basic website built. So, I want to break down the differences between a freelance web developer and the larger scale web developing businesses. One of the main differences is that my fees for my services are more cost effective and affordable for small to medium sized than larger scale businesses. This is not because I am less experienced than the larger scale businesses. Most web developing companies work with large scale businesses, think Google, Facebook, TEDx and so forth, where as I work with every day people doing their thing in the world.

Why do larger companies work with web development companies? Simply because they wish to pull out all the stops. They do not want to be thinking about all the things that a web developer will do and think of for them. They would much rather free up the time it takes to maintain websites, marketing and so on to be focusing on their business goals and creativity. I get that. BUT........ these businesses are living in the corporate and advanced technology world, and not every business is corporate minded and structured. This leaves smaller scale businesses that want to keep their initial overheads low while building their business feeling like they need to build their website on their own because of seemingly limited options as well not being affordable for many reasons. The larger scale web development businesses have a team on their hands. From branding specialists to UI/UX designers, the person in charge of hosting providers and so on. You get my drift. Every person on the team is a cog in the wheel that makes the machine work. A freelance web developer is the team, and we work very differently to the large-scale web development businesses. How so? Firstly, I won't ask you for your arm and leg to deliver a seamless, professional website. I am highly trained, experienced and qualified to build websites and understand the technology and terminology of the larger scale web developing businesses, and how to use that technology if it is needed. A lot of the technology and software that the larger scale web development companies utilise is not necessary for the smaller scale businesses.

For small scale businesses, there are cost effective ways to have a professional website without breaking the budget and losing your arm and leg. Most large-scale businesses will not tell you how you can save money, they are good at convincing people that what they offer is what they need, and it simply is not true. It leaves most people feeling deflated and hopeless. However, it is true that there are certain things you do need to have set up in order to run your website successfully and have it looking professional. Without these things, you will constantly be working more than you should and you may not get return traffic to your website. What you want is for your website to work for you and not the other way around. DIY VS A Web Developer With current web design software advancing in the last 4 -5 years, it is now totally possible to build your own website by yourself. It takes patience and a bit of a learning curve, but it is something that can now be achieved. This is not to say that you may find it easier to work with an experienced, and independent web developer to build your website. Some people starting out in a small business just do not have the patience or time to design, develop and launch a website. It can be a daunting task for many. It is essential to have your branding organised, a current hosting provider, and a domain name sorted out before you approach a web developer. These are things we need in order to begin building your awesome website for you. I generally will not work with a client until they have current hosting and a domain name. It makes my job more challenging without it. The difference cost wise is that you will save money building it yourself...... BUT it is not just about having an aesthetically pleasing website. Things like your site being mobile and desktop responsive, consistent messaging for your target audience, ease of navigation, SEO, among other things are vital components of a great website. Most people have a short attention span and want things readily at their fingertips. If someone visits a website with irrelevant information, has no idea what the business is actually about, finds it difficult to access their services or products and just generally has too many problems, the reality is that most people will not spend the time letting you know, they will go somewhere else.

All of this can cost your business, and it may not be a price you want to pay. Working with a skilled and experienced web developer avoids these issues occurring. I encourage people to give building their own websites a chance, however I also know the many benefits of working with a web developer. The choice is really up to you at the end of the day. To discuss working with me, you can book a free 20-minute discovery call to see if we would be a good fit.

Happy creating!


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